About Us
Sunday - 10:00 AM
Wednesday - 6:30 PM
Thursday Alcoholics for Christ, 6:00pm

Senior Pastors - Jeff & Francine Wells
A Family Church
- Ministering to the needs of every member of the family
- Regularly sponsoring family-centered activities
- Creating an environment where families can play, pray, grow, and stay together.
- Creating an environment of faith, where God’s power can be displayed
A Charismatic Teaching Center
- Conducting weekly practical teachings from the Word of God.
- ISOM college to earn an Associates degree in Biblical Studies and a Bachelor Degree Program to continue your education and SMTI- a college level bible training school that prepares men and women of God to fulfill the call of God on their lives in the local church and beyond.
- Conducting conferences and seminars bringing in the five-fold ministry gifts to bless and train the body of Christ.
- Teaching righteousness and truth, and an aggressive approach to living an uncompromised life for our Father God.
- Teaching men to be great husbands, fathers, and soldiers in the Kingdom of God.
- Teaching women to be great wives, mothers and soldiers in the Kingdom of God.
- Bringing up children in the way they should go from nursery all the way to 18 years of age so they are ready to be soldiers in the Kingdom.
Local Outreach
- Nursing Homes
- Hospitals
- Prison Ministry
- Street Evangelism (concerts, tract distribution, drama)
- Food and Clothing Distribution
County Outreach
- Establishing a Word-centered and family reputation.
- Inviting local bodies to participate in conferences and seminars to enhance their ministries.
- Providing aid, encouragement, and fellowship to existing churches and pastors.
World Outreach
- Monthly support of foreign missions.
- Direct assistance to foreign missionaries through work crews and mission relief trips.
- Training, equipping, sending forth, and support of those in the local body called to foreign missions.
“The vision is very great, but we serve a great God who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we can ask or think. He has called us to the Kingdom for such a time as this. We are ‘hupernikao’ (more than conquerors). The task at hand is plain, and that is to take Jesus to Lapeer County and make disciples of all those won to the Lord. It’s time to march with the orders God has given us. It’s time to Press Forward Into All God Has For Us!”
Jeffery V. Wells – Senior Pastor